
Business Intelligence

We at Codecta expertly design, develop and help you implement BI software solutions, enabling your company to gain competitive advantages, including new customer leads, identifying resource leaks and optimizing resources and operations.

We deliver customer-centric Power BI. Codecta’s expertise in finance processes and regulations can help you quickly convert raw data into meaningful insight that drives profitable business actions. The combination of smart visualizations and the patented Qlik engine for data indexing reveals all relationships between data dimensions and reveals insights that would have remained hidden in traditional, hierarchical and query-based data models.

Business intelligence

We Provide Solutions on:

smart and custom visualization

Smart and Custom Visualizations

smart and custom visualization

Finance and Healthcare Software Solutions

smart and custom visualization

MS SSAS solutions

smart and custom visualization

Multiple Data Sources

smart and custom visualization

Advanced Search Features

smart and custom visualization

Collaboration and Sharing Insights

smart and custom visualization

Power BI consulting services

smart and custom visualization

Cross-platform Solution

Looking for the right solution for your company?

Explore our expertise

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ID & Access Management

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ETL & Big Data

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